Doug's Ice Bucket 92 Challenge

Created by Doug 19th April 2021 This event has closed


Following the example set by ex professional footballer, Len Johnrose, I will put my feet in a bucket of ice and water for 92 seconds. Additionally the bucket of water will then be tipped over my head.


Doug's Ice Bucket 92 Challenge

19th April 2021
....and what a way to cool down on a warm day!

Doug's Ice Bucket 92 Challenge

19th April 2021

Getting ready for the ice bucket challenge.

19th April 2021
Ice water ready.


15th April 2021
Gruelling preparation in a training camp in South Wales.

10.4.21 - Nails painted!

10th April 2021
If my feet are on display for the event on the 19th, then they've got to look nice!