Chris Laird 100k in May

Created by Chris 31st May 2020 This event has closed


100k in May! To support the amazing effort my Dad has already put in raising money for the MNDA, I feel it's time to step up and show that I have some of his fighting strength in me too! I am trying to RUN 100 kilometres in the month of May! I have done zero preparation and ran zero kilometres in the last decade! Let's see how this goes...


Half way there!!!!!!

14th May 2020
50k was easy!!!! Yes, you heard it here first, I've surprised myself!!! The new trainers arrived on Sunday! Since then I've literally have more spring in my step! The donations keep coming in and I'm trying to thank everyone personally for their contribution! Apologies if I have missed anyone off!

I might make it but my trainers won't

9th May 2020
So 1 week in and I have surprised even my own expectations!!! Thank you to the amazing support so far this week! It somehow made me do 30k in 6 days!!! I'm in good form which is a surprise! My trainers started to cause me concern though, and under inspection I realised they are literally falling apart under my feet! So I've ordered some new treads to get me through the remaining 70k!!!